Thursday, February 23, 2012


I spent whole the day in the library today working on Manhattan Mono project. Wanna make collaborative work but all the tries  doesn't look good enough.  At the same time feel bit guilty coz i kinda sign up for the Milltag project too but still had no time to push it from the dead point. As for Manhattan Mono, even i like it a lot as well, i can't come to the main idea, just sketching and jumping around with all that amazing posters which i could never compete with. That's why i need to find my own way and create smth different. But it sounds easier than it is in real life. And i have no idea how the final result would look like.
The lesson from today, i think, is that i should stick with the proper plan for now. May be start from the thumbnails, which proved its use during Romeo and Juliet project.

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